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Submission guidelines

Abstract submissions will only be possible through an Oxford Abstracts user account.

This will allow:

• submit an abstract;

• correct the submitted version of the abstract;​

• consult the decision about the abstract acceptance.


Full-length paper submissions will be possible separately using a form created directly on this web site in due course.

Official Language

The official language of the conference is English; therefore all submissions and presentations must be in English.

Abstract submissions


Abstract submission is open, but we recommend submitting an abstract after the call for Mini-Symposia so that a full list of them is available.

Abstract body text is limited to 2200 characters with spaces (multiple spaces are merged automatically to a single space). It can include references numbered in text by numbers in [].

Abstracts must be assigned to a Mini-Symposium or a General Topic.

The organizing committee may change the original selection made by the authors.


Check here all important dates.

Conference Proceedings
Submission of full-length papers is highly recommended but not mandatory.
Previous editions
Only accepted contributions of participants who pay the registration fee and present their contribution at the conference in person or remotely will be published in Springer series: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanisms and Machine Science, indexed in Scopus and Ei Compendex.
Indexing in WoS will be requested but cannot be guaranteed in advance.
Paper Submissions for Conference Proceedings
MS Word Template

Prior to paper submission, it is necessary to have an abstract accepted on Oxford Abstracts.

  • The papers must strictly follow the template (MS Word or Latex).

  • The recommended number of pages is 8.

  • The minimum number of pages is 6 and the maximum allowed is 10.

  • Papers with less than 6 pages will not be considered.

  • Papers with high similarity index and excessive auto-citations will be rejected.

  • In addition, publication agreement will have to be signed.

  • Check here all important dates.

Latex Template
Paper submission is not possible yet.
Submissions will be allowed separately from abstract submissions using a form created directly on this web site in due course.
Best Paper Award for Ph.D. Student

How to qualify for the Best Paper Award?

The organizing committee must receive a nomination from the supervisor of the Ph.D. student and the contribution must be accepted for publication in the Conference Proceedings. The deadline for submitting nominations will be announced in due course. The nomination does not have to contain specific information, only the student's name and submission number.


To be eligible for the award the candidate must

• provide a document confirming that he/she is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program

• be the first author of the paper• present the contribution in person during the conference


Evaluation criteria

• the scientific level of the contribution and its new contributions

• the level of maturity and dominance of the student in the subject, which he/she demonstrates during the oral presentation


The three award students will be announced during the closing ceremony and will receive a certificate issued by Springer Nature (India) Pvt. Limited containing a €200 gift voucher to purchase e-books at

Awarded students will be invited to submit an extended paper for a special issue in the Journal of Vibration Engineering Technologies (JVET). More details on the special issue are below.

The registration fee will be refunded to the winner.

This applies only to the student who will be ranked first by an independent committee.

special issue
Post-conference special issue
Special issue of selected papers will be organized in
Springer-Nature Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies
  • Extended and significantly updated Proceedings Papers (with an updated title) can subsequently be submitted for publication in the Special Issue, however, submissions with a high similarity index will be automatically rejected.
  • Authors who presented at the conference but did not submit their contributions to the Conference Proceedings, can also submit to the Special issue (the topic of such contribution must be in conformity with their accepted Abstract).
  • Only contributions presented during the conference will be considered.

  • Submitted manuscripts will be subjected to the usual review process according to the guidelines of the journal.

  • Within generally accepted ethical scientific limits, it is also possible to submit expanded and significantly updated Proceedings Papers to other regular journals.
Scopus and WoS indexing
IF 2.1 (2023)
Scimago Q2

The Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies is dedicated to the rapid publication of original research in vibration engineering.

  • The scope of the journal encompasses vibration phenomena associated with mechanical, aerospace, structural, and electromechanical systems.

  • Solicits review articles and original contributions based on analytical, computational, and experimental methods.

  • Welcomes papers in relevant areas such as structural vibration, rotor dynamics, vibration control, and more.

  • Invites feature articles discussing broader scientific areas of current interest in greater depth.


JVET adopts a Hybrid publishing model: Once the article is accepted for publication, authors have the option to choose how their article is published:

  1. Traditional publishing model – published articles are made available to institutions and individuals who subscribe to Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies or who pay to read specific articles.

  2. Open Access – when an article is accepted for publication, the author/s or funder/s pay an Article Processing Charge (APC). The final version of the published article is then free to read for everyone.


Nevertheless, independently of the selection of each accepted article in the special issue, thanks to the involvement of the editor-in-chief Prof. C. Nataraj, Springer Nature will make the complete issue freely accessible for 6 weeks once it is published online.

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